40 Most Ridiculous Moments In The Fast & Furious Franchise

1. The Final Showdown, Co-Starring The World's Longest Runway (Fast & Furious 6)

And finally, it's the most ridiculous moment in the entirety of the franchise, the epic finale of Fast & Furious 6, in which Shaw and his team attempt to escape on a gigantic plane. Dom and co. soon enough give chase, leading to one gloriously mental set-piece taking place on what must be the longest runway in existence (estimated to be 28 miles in length, almost four-times the length of the world's actual longest runway). Some of the most memorable moments include Dom and Hobbes delivering a tag-team clothesline to Shaw's biggest henchman (Kim Kold) and Gisele sacrificing herself in totally absurd fashion (falling from the back of a car but having enough time to pull her gun out and shoot someone on the way down, making an otherwise poignant moment totally hilarious). This is without mentioning the team firing enough hooks into the plane to eventually bring it down, and finally, Dom bursting out of the plane's nose in his car...before crashing (but Dom's fine, of course). This scene pretty much epitomises everything that these movies have become since 2011, and it's glorious to behold. What are your favourite scenes from the franchise? Shout it out in the comments!

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.