5 Actors For Splinter Cell: The Movie

1 - Josh Holloway (The Underestimated)

Seriously? The guy who played the long haired loveable, yet complete and utter dick, James "Sawyer" Ford in LOST? Yes, I am completely serious. For one Mr Holloway matches the correct age of, what I believe, Sam Fisher should be. He also somehow manages to exude the angry frustration that is needed to fuel Sam's Third Echelon career (think of his awesome cowboy appearance in Community) whilst being able to reveal his soft side, perfect for Sam's interactions with his daughter. Josh Holloway can also pull off some pretty sweet face stubble, something that I said earlier in the article is essential when playing Sam Fisher. Plus he was criminally under-used in Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol and is waiting for his big movie break in something like this. So there is my Top 5, what do your think? Do you agree or disagree with my choices? Whatever you think leave a comment down below..

Now a fully graduated and official adult Thomas spends most of his days writing, playing x-box 360 and laughing at how his brain is bigger than all the haters out there.