5 Amazing Costumes We Adored From Recent Films

2. Moonrise Kingdom (2012) - Kara Heyward€™s €˜60s Shift Dress

moonrise-kingdom-04 Wes Anderson€™s movies are renowned for being visually impressive with a key eye to detail. His most recent offering, 2012€™s Moonrise Kingdom, was no exception. The style highlight of this whimsical, 1960s-set movie is the pale pink, long-sleeved collared shift dress worn by twelve-year-old heroine Suzy Bishop (Kara Hayward). The costume is typically 1960s and the pastel colour scheme adds to the nostalgic, dream-like feel of the film. The outfit also perfectly epitomises Suzy's personality: the demure dress and long white socks represent her conservative upbringing, but her bright blue eye-shadow and homemade beetle earrings represent her rebellious, non-conformist attitude. The appeal of Suzy's dress rests in its timeless quality; it is a style which is still incredibly chic today. The dress inspired a wave of '60s collared shift dresses, available to buy from high street stores and designers alike. The influence of the look had wider implications: dressing as Suzy Bishop and her fellow runaway Sam Shakusky was one of the most popular Halloween costume ideas of 2012.

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