5 Awesome 2012 Summer Movies and 5 That Sucked

1. The Watch

Remember this disaster? No? That's my point. From start to finish, I never understood the point of The Watch, a "comedy" about a group of man children who try and save their neighborhood from an alien invasion. Did it have to be aliens? Every second film out in the summer revolves around aliens, so to frame a comedy around them feels like a needless retread. On top of these issues, The Watch isn't ever funny. Ben Stiller hasn't been funny in many many years, and Vince Vaughn is ruining his bit as an overbearing motormouth. Where it was funny in films like Swingers, Made, and Wedding Crashers, Vaughn's routine here is tiresome and annoying. Jonah Hill looks bored, and newcomer Richard Ayoade is the stock ethnic character placed here for laughs. What a disastrous and poor attempt at a comedy that should be flushed down the toilet. So there's our Summer Movie wrap up. Did we miss anything out? Let us know below.
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Self-made film aficionado with a background in creative writing. Proprietor of www.themoviesnob.net. Lover of all things cinema. Follow me at @LCTmoviesnob and enjoy the ride.