4. King Charming & Prince Charming - Cinderella

So your son is a bit of a womanizer, huh? Likes playing the field and trouncing around the kingdom having a lot of laughs, knowing that eventually he is going to inherit everything that you have worked so hard to inherit from your folks? Maybe you are wondering if he is ever going to settle down and start supplying you with some grandchildren that you can play with, to help remind you what life is all about, some kids who will appreciate your fancy clothes with the shoulder epaulets? What do you have to do to stop your son from enjoying his youth?
What do you do as a father? For starters, don't throw him a giant all-legal ages vaginas-only party so that he can select any woman he wants to bear you those frolicking grandchildren. Wasting valuable tax money on decorations and personal invites isn't going to win you any extra respect in his eyes or your subjects. That's just spoiling him and courting rebellion. Of course, some picks are easier than others. We all know by now that picking a wife/mother to your child is not as easy as pointing and saying "that one: (granted, some cultures don't allow for their children to even pick their spouses, but that's a different subject). Let's just agree that giving your son an ultimatum to pick a woman to wed and knock up at one party that every fertile single woman must attend is not going to end well. Not only will you have to deal with a daughter-in-law that is going to be perpetually pregnant and cranky, you will also have to confront all the little b*stards that will be coming down the pipe as your son continues to avoid the domestic bliss you so envision for him - and with the woman he danced with for maybe 2 hours, no less. Work instead on getting him to appreciate what a good woman can do for him, not just as some type of baby factory that will continually complain that she never goes dancing anymore or can't fit into that dress. Allow him to date a little longer. He will settle down when he's ready and has met the right one. In the meantime (if you are having a hankering for some grandchildren), take up raising tomatoes instead.