5 Awful Fictional Father-Son Relationships In Movies (And How To Correct Them)

2. Dr. Evil & Mini Me - Austin PowersMini Okay, so say you find out you have a child that was borne via frozen semen while you were frozen for a few decades in the lower orbit of Earth and you are meeting him for the first time (see above: plot contrivance - bringing in unknown child). He's been living his life and has a few issues that need to be resolved with a father that he has never seen and is a complete megalomaniac who wants to take over the Earth in a rather retro-idiotic fashion. What do you do as a father? For starters, being open with him is a good shout. Show you are happy to be his father, but don't expect mutual affection as he tries to come to grips with a sudden father figure in his life, especially one that doesn't conform to cultural or societal norms. Ask for the hug, but don't insist on it. That will come in good time, once he gets to know the real you. But what happens if he has gotten to know the real you and you are still having problems connecting? Father-son therapy is also a good way to heal the rift brought on by his disappointment in what you are. Yet, if you do go to therapy, don't confess to anyone that you are actually trying to kill him. It just doesn't look good and can be admissible in a court of law. Don't go out and clone a 1/8 version of yourself that you obviously prefer more than your first-born just because he doesn't want to follow in your footsteps, either. And if he decides to express his opinions on how you can run your evil empire more efficiently don't dismiss or ridicule him - validate his opinion and thank him for his input. Don't tell him to zip it, although that can be pretty funny at times. If you look in the mirror and sometimes think your son is acting more mature than you, then perhaps you need to re-evaluate your parenting style, hm?


Been there, done that but not too well. Continually financially restrained. Now (and still) lives in Western Canada and talks some hockey and parenting on ogieoglethorpe.blogspot.ca and watching trailers on 2minutemovies.blogspot.ca.