5 Changes That Would Have Improved The Dark Knight Rises

2. Talia Tate

Miranda Tate = Talia? But Marion Cotillard denied that she was Talia, she said Miranda Tate was an original creation. Why would Marion lie? Yes, Miranda Tate, the unassuming board member of Wayne Enterprises, who got Bruce Wayne rehabilitated back into society by tempting him to continue his father's philanthropic work and sleeping with him, is really Talia al Ghul. Let's get straight to the point: We didn't need her. I'd rather have believed that Bane really was the League of Shadows and that Miranda Tate was actually Miranda Tate and if she wasn't, a nice little showdown between her and Selina would've sufficed. I know, too cliche and a Catfight probably crossed Nolan's mind and seemed inappropriate for the film, but since both the deaths of Talia and Bane were dissatisfying anyway, I'd have settled for a macho man fight between Bane and Batman and a nicely choreographed dance between Selina and Talia. Plus, would Ra's have been proud of his daughter that she tried to avenge him by sleeping with Bruce and playing the good girl all the way up until the end only to fail anyway? When Miranda Tate stabbed Batman and revealed herself to be Talia, it felt lackluster and it felt lazy. There was no real set up for this twist; it was just another lame addition to the already cluttered ending. Not only did Batman have to fight Bane and save the city from a bomb going off, he had to deal with the fact that Miranda Tate was Ra's daughter. There was no time for this twist to really sink in, we were just getting used to the idea that Bane was Ra's son come back for a two for one deal: exact revenge on Batman and reduce Gotham to "ashes" as Ra's intended. Besides Bruce realizing that he seriously had to do thorough background checks on his employees from now on, there was no real emotional impact. Even when Miranda and Bruce slept together, it felt awkward and forced, merely circumstantial, rather than two characters falling for one another. If Talia had to be in the film, then at least have an interesting love triangle between Talia, Selina, and Bruce; I'm sure Nolan could've made it work better than "Twilight."

I'm a thinker/fantasizer who writes down his thoughts and fantasies hoping it makes sense to everyone else. Also I'm an aspiring screenwriter, but if I can work in film at all, I'd be happy. One day you may hear the name Ryan Kim and associate it with "Academy Award winning writer" or with "where's that guy with my coffee." If the latter comes true, please let it be Paul Thomas Anderson's coffee I'm getting.