5 Comic Book Movies That Get Unnecessary Hate

2. Watchmen

watchmen Watchmen gets the unfortunate responsibility of being a film that is hated by both fan boys and the general public. Fan boys hate this movie because they don't think it was true enough to the source material and the general public hates it because they think it is weird, slow, and boring. This film is different from any other comic book movie ever released. Instead of being the type of comic book film that relies on the standard hero fights villain formula it puts a completely different perspective on superheroes in general. Watchmen doesn't get enough praise for trying to do something different at a time when it really didn't have to. Granted the source material itself is vastly different from most comic books but the powers that be could have easily made this another paint by numbers comic book film then collected the checks and called it a day. As far as performances go Jackie Earle Haley pretty much steals the show as Rorschach. The animation on Rorschach's mask was one of the coolest visual effects to be seen on film in the past few years. The rest of the cast doesn't do too shabby either as Jeffrey Dean Morgan portrays The Comedian as a character that you either love or love to hate and Billy Crudup does a great job convincing the audience he doesn't feel any emotion as Dr. Manhattan. Watchmen was doomed from the beginning because fan boys would never be satisfied, it's not the type of movie the general public enjoys, and people judged it right away because Zack Snyder's name is attached to it. It would be impossible to adapt the graphic novel to screen perfectly but this movie puts forth a great effort and succeeds on more levels than most people are willing to give it credit for.

I am a writer/musician and hopeless entertainment addict. I could talk your ear off all day about my vast (albeit completely useless) knowledge of pro-wrestling and then argue with you how the characters in LOST were more important than the plot itself. Yeah I'm that guy. Follow me on twitter @IAMJoshFoster.