5 Cult Films With Real Potential For A Remake

4. Young Guns

young guns Young Guns is my favourite film of all time, so the only reason I would really want to see a remake is if it was handled well. Really well. If this particular story of Billy Bonney was remade, I would like to think the general tale would be kept similar, especially as it is pretty close to the actual life of Billy the Kid. But, forgetting about the sequel, the events told in Young Guns are mostly lifted from the mid-section of the gunslinger's escapades. This means a remake could either start earlier, or later and explore numerous different events from the Kid's life. Although it is nice when remakes pay homage to the source, a serious change of tone would be the secret to success in this case. Put simply, no-one pulls off the hyena-like laugh and free-spirited imagining of The Kid quite like Emilio Estevez. A darker, more true-to-the-times character would be the way to go. Although it's nice to pretend, I very much doubt Billy the Kid was as good-looking, clean-shaven, and generally such a big bag of fun as is portrayed in Young Guns. As is the trend with most successful modern remakes, a darker creation is the way to garner appreciation and praise from the fan-boys and critics alike (see The Dark Knight trilogy). Who should direct: The Coen Brothers Who should star: Barry Pepper or Casey Affleck as The Kid
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I am a copywriter, creative writer and film enthusiast. My passion is writing about film and one day soon, I hope to be able to do this full time, at home, in my pyjamas.