5 Directors Who Fell Back On Their Star Properties After Years Away

1. Ridley Scott - Alien (Prometheus)

ridley-scott-alien I love Alien. It's one of my favorite movies ever. I love Aliens. It's also one of my favorite movies ever. Both films are just two of the reasons why I am a huge fan of both Ridley Scott and James Cameron. Now I loved Prometheus as a science fiction film, but as an Alien prequel, well, I flat-out hated it. Prometheus, despite a few dumb characters taking actions that are just contrary to human nature (no one would try to pet an extraterrestrial cobra; no one would gladly volunteer to sacrifice themselves by crashing their ship like they had been waiting to do it their entire lives; etc.) it's a great movie. Not only that, but it has served almost as a catalyst for now it seems like Sci-Fi flicks are getting made left and right. Once again, you've done it Mr. Scott. You've taken a genre that you've claimed to have no real love for in the past and created something great within it. But why is it an Alien movie? Why does it have to be one at all? What does it have to even do with the Alien franchise? The story is strong enough that it doesn't need the Alien property attached to it to make it good. In fact, change the look of the space jockey and design of the creature towards the end and you've essentially got a completely new universe with nothing in common to the one inhabited by Ripley and Xenomorphs. There's no real reason for Prometheus to have any connection to Alien what-so-ever. Except, oh yeah, ticket sales. I don't blame this on Scott, I still love his work and he made a great film, but Prometheus' connection with Alien, for this die-hard fan, was just a bit more than alienating.

aka The Thompsonator. Action movie & shooter game fanatic. Biggest weakness? Taking things over the top... The internet is the disease. Meet the cure. Find more action on my Youtube channel: www.youtube.com/ActionRation