5 Directors Who Should Never Have Returned To The Franchises They Created

spielberg indySome directors have given us some of the greatest film franchises in the world, so popular, in fact, that fans usually want more. And often they get it, in increasingly worse sequels. This leads said fans to cry out for that director to come back and regain control of their franchise, or at least follow it up with something decent. On the other hand, perhaps said director just misses a franchise, and wants to return, now that they have the technology/money/power to do so, so they can continue a franchise the way they originally envisioned it. Sometimes, it isn't that simple, however. Sometimes it goes horribly wrong.

5. John G. Avildsen - Rocky V


Who? I hear you cry! John G. Avildsen was the director of the first Rocky in 1976, you know, the good one. Well, when reviews were waning after Sylvester Stallone directed the next three instalments, John G. Avildsen was brought on to direct Rocky V, in hope that the franchise would return to it's former glory. It didn't work out. With an antagonist named Tommy Gunn, and Sly Stallone mumbling his lines even more so than before, Rocky V is now best known as the worst Rocky film ever made. In between this, however, Avildsen directed all three instalments of The Karate Kid franchise, further proving his ability to destroy any major franchise with one fell swoop.
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Freelance writer, specialising in film and television, sometimes dabbling into video games and comic writing, though not as often as he should. Outside of this, he enjoys waiting for an entire season of a show to finish so he can blitz them in a weekend, buying loads of films and video games and never getting around to even opening them, or acquiring entire back catalogues of authors and never finding time to read them.