5 Disappointing Stephen King Adaptations

4. Desperation (TV Movie)

Desperation Desperation aired as a TV movie in 2006 on ABC to an underwhelming reception. It currently holds a rating of 44 on Metacritic. The book of the same name was published 10 years prior to its release. Big Names Attached: Ron Perlman and Tom Skerrit lead the cast, which isn't too bad for a TV movie. King himself wrote the script and acted as Producer. Mick Garris directed it. I guess you could say he's a big name to S.K fans. He directed a number of King adaptations. Although, not many good ones... Is The Book Better?: Yep. Although it really seems to run off on a bit of a tangent towards the end, the book paints an unbelievably vivid picture of the town and the characters are much better developed. Desperation, although not Godawful, was certainly a disappointing adaptation, given the source. The book really delves into some terrifically deep themes and puts you in the world of Desperation far better than the movie does. The main issue is probably just the sad fact that it's a made-for-TV movie, and naturally, it has to be censored. The book is a book for adults, and at times, the movie can sometimes feel a lot more juvenile. Ron Perlman does a good job as the creepy possessed sheriff, and is easily the most memorable part of the film. The rest of the cast, and most of the film are, sadly, forgettable.

Joe is a television junkie. A film fanatic. A pop culture know-it-all. An interactive media masters student, and a bass player. 22 years old and Irish. Thinks Netflix is a Godsend.