5 Disney Princesses We're Completely In Love With

3. Pocahontas - Pocahontas

I once knew a girl at school that was the spitting image of Pocahontas. Man, she was gorgeous. She probably still looks like her too. Needless to say Pocahontas was one of my very favourite Disney chicks growing up. We love Pocahontas because she is elegant and wise and has beautiful hair that we secretly envy even as men. Curse you John Smith for encroaching on her forefathers land and taking her away on your big ship to merry old England. The sad fact is we all know what allegedly happened to the real Pocahontas but thankfully Disney's version was far more romantic and a lot less about rape. Scenes where she talks to trees and raccoons were more likely an example of artistic licence however and not based on any kind of fact.
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Master of Quack-Fu. Fishfinger Sandwich aficionado. Troll Hunter.