5 Elmore Leonard Books That Deserve Film Adaptations

4. Bandits

Isbn9780753827338 1x3aWhat It's About: Set in New Orleans, Bandits tells the story of three people (an ex-con, ex-nun, ex-cop) who stumble upon a private fund-raising scheme to aid the Contras in Nicaragua. The trio hatch a plan to steal the money and keep it for themselves, the problem is that they're not the only ones after the money. They'll have to deal with multiple groups after the same prize and that includes the CIA. Why It Should Be Adapted: New Orleans always looks beautiful on film, that's first and foremost. Second, it's a story that will keep people on the edge of their seat for the whole running time. A story full of crosses and double crosses, of lost souls searching for a way home, it's a complicated yet oddly moving narrative. This is the type of movie Steven Soderbergh could've knocked out in his sleep were he still making movies. Let's start there though, Brad Pitt is the perfect ex-jewel thief, Jack DeLaney. I'd love to see someone like Denzel Washington or Don Cheadle play the burned out ex-cop, Roy. Let's star-stud this thing - it deserves the Ocean's Eleven treatment, seeing as we're hypothesising, we might as well go nuts. The role of the ex-nun, Lacy would be a fun role for someone like Naomi Watts. She would be perfect to play the good hearted, albeit disillusioned Lacy. Let's make this damn movie!

I'm married and live in New York with my wife and pets. I'm a writer and definitely not a comedian (just ask my wife). I've successfully linked my twitter, goodreads, facebook and google+ pages although the successful aspect of all that is up for debate. I also started my own blog on wordpress and have just finished my first novel, The Violent Winds. Now it's time to try and trick some unsuspecting fool into buying it.