5 Film Franchises That Would Be Greatly Improved By Omitting Certain Entries

1. The Star Wars Saga (1977 - 2005)

008Official Films -Episode II: Attack of the Clones, Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, Episode IV: A New Hope, Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back & Episode VI: Return of the JediIgnore -Episode I: The Phantom Menace Now before the haters start applauding and shouting, "Weesa love you" let me explain. This isn't so much about just not watching Episode I, it's more of an alternate viewing order of the Star Wars saga. If you were coming to the franchise for the first time, this is the order you should watch them in. You start with Episode IV, where any information about the previous years is unknown and you follow the adventures of Luke, Han and Leia. Then as soon as it's finished you eject the film and stick The Empire Strikes Back straight on and begin to immerse yourself in the in the glory that is Hoth, Yoda and the most startling revelation in cinema history. Then the credits roll, and you go back. You know who Luke's father is, and you'd like some damn backstory on this morsel of information that is so unbelievable that it had to be confirmed by Yoda in the ROTJ, as fans thought Vader must have been lying. Ignore Episode I, as it gives you absolutely no new information that is either necessary or relevant to anything in Episode's IV, V & VI, other than the fact that Obi Wan will train Anakin, which we pretty much all knew. Anyways, Episodes II & III gives you all the information that you need about the Empire, Death Stars, the fall of the Jedi and whatnot to render Episode I redundant. No gungans, no tedious discussions about trade routes and taxation and no Jake pissing Lloyd. With that information burnt into your retinas and all backstory covered, you now pop in Return of the Jedi to get your conclusion to the saga and experience the shock that when Luke takes off Darth Vader's helmet at the climax, it's not a block of wood that was Hayden Christensen. Do you agree with my choices or are there any other films that you think could do with omitting a few chapters? Leave your comments below or chase me on twitter.
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A simple chap who loves the magic of cinema despite the odd disappointment or two. Get in touch with Jay on Twitter@reellife32.