5 Films That Would Win Oscars In A Bizarre Parallel Universe

1. Meet the Feebles (1989) - Best Director

peter jacj Meet the Feebles would never ever win an Oscar in the real world, but its director, Peter Jackson would go on to major Oscar success with the Lord of the Rings trilogy. Looking at Meet the Feebles and The Lord of the Rings, the films are so completely different to each other in terms of style, content, theme, it is almost laughable that the same films come from the same director. Lord of the Rings is a mega budget, epic, glossy Hollywood blockbuster. Meet the Feebles is a low budget, grimy, sordid little tale of puppets taking part in a television show. Sound familiar? Yes, it is like the Muppets - the Muppets simultaneously smoking Meth, snorting coke and injecting heroin whilst lying in a pile of vomit and excrement. A bad time is going on behind the scenes of "Meet the Feebles Variety Hour". Bletch the walrus is cheating on his lover Heidi, the star of the show. All of the participants seem to have terrible personal problems - illness, drug addiction, drug dealing, extortion and murder. A hideous little rat is also running a porn racket in the basement and seeks to corrupt a young starlet. An all out assault on good taste. Meet the Feebles features puppets doing all sorts of rude things - pooping, puking, fornicating - the whole nine yards. If you have refined sensibilities you will be disgusted but if you are a rampant pervert like me, you will laugh yourself silly as each scene grows more and more outrageous. My highlight is the Sodomy Song by the fox character ("You might think it very odd of me, but if you try it then you might agree - that you enjoy the art of sodomy!") Jackson deserves an Oscar for this jewel 10 times more than LOTR!! So he gets one in parallel Oscar world.
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My first film watched was Carrie aged 2 on my dad's knee. Educated at The University of St Andrews and Trinity College Dublin. Fan of Arthouse, Exploitation, Horror, Euro Trash, Giallo, New French Extremism. Weaned at the bosom of a Russ Meyer starlet. The bleaker, artier or sleazier the better!