5 Greatest Beards In Film History

1. Hagrid In The Harry Potter Movies

Hagrid The best beard we've ever ever seen in any film ever belongs to the man known simply as Hagrid. Looking like the human version of The Muppet Show's resident hairy monster Sweetums, Hagrid is a mountain of a man with a beard as huge and as wild as he is. This beard type - most commonly sported by homeless people or hermits - is notorious in polite social circles as being the kind that likes to jettison strands of itself at random into people's food and has a similar make up genetically to that other type of bothersome body hair - the pube. There's a reason old Hagrid lives alone in a shack away from all the other beards in Harry Potter's world. Nice beards look down their noses at his or would if they had noses. But a beard like this should not be shunned. It should be celebrated. It is a thing of beauty. It is a work of art. It can be used to keep young wizards warm when they've wondered off into the forbidden forests at night without a coat. Likewise old Hagrid can keep himself warm too using his beard like a scarf. He could also use it to hide his identity if he wanted to commit a crime, well that is if he wasn't so huge and distinctive looking. But you don't need to be a giant of a man to pull this type of beard off. Oh no. What about Gimli in the Lord of the Ring's movies? He makes this type of beard look great and he's a dwarf! Other examples in cinema include Marshall Bell in the little known Bill Paxton movie The Vagrant and everybody's favourite simpleton Forrest Gump who took this beard and ran with it (literally) all the way to a Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role award at the 67th Academy Awards. And if that doesn't prove why this is the best beard type ever then nothing will. Honourable Mentions: Gandalf in Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, Jack Sparrow in Pirates of the Caribbean and Brian Blessed as Prince Vultan in Flash Gordon. What's your favourite movie beard? Tell us all about it in the comments section below or Tweet us @WhatCulture using the hash tag #moviebeards
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