5 Gruesome Movie Deaths That Are Way Worse Than You Think (And 5 That Aren't)

3. Bees

The Wicker Man 2006 Nicolas Cage not the bees
Warner Bros

Regardless of Nicholas Cage's less-than-convincing flailing, death by bees certainly wouldn't be a pleasant experience.

Edward Malus, with his bee allergy, is suffering from anaphylaxis as he slides unconvincingly into unconsciousness.

The symptoms would usually take anywhere from 10 minutes to two hours to begin presenting and it is usually the swelling of the airways that will do it for you as you essentially suffocate on your own throat. As well as coming out in hive, the skin is likely to go a slight blue colour due to lack of oxygen. Cardiac arrest is also a big risk, as well as convulsions and spasms. In people who die from anaphylaxis, autopsy often shows an "empty heart", which is just as unpleasant as it sounds.

His allergy is certainly unfortunate, as that amount of honey bees would not usually be enough to kill a person. The stings of even Africanized Killer Bees are actually no more deadly than honey bees, but their killer reputation comes from their tendency to attack in massive numbers.

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