5 Heroic Characters From War Movies You Can Only Dream Of Being

3. Tuvia Bielski (Defiance)

Defiance Daniel Craig The main character of Defiance from 2008 was its Polish hero Tuvia, played by Daniel Craig. Tuvia and his brothers escape to a forest to flee the killing of Jews in Nazi occupied Europe, and vow to avenge their parent's death, who killed at the hands of the Germans. Having set up camp in the woods, Tuvia and his brothers establish the Bielski Otriad, a partisan group hell bent on exacting revenge against their German counterparts. Whilst being the leader of a group of partisans is probably enough for one day, Tuvia further establishes his hero credentials by taking in fellow Polish Jews escaping the slaughter, and by the end of the war, the real Tuvia Bielski saved around 1200 lives. Now if that's not a hero I don't know what is! A couple of the characters listed here are sometimes too heroic, if that's even possible, whereby we can't even begin to imagine what it must have been like to be them. Although we are probably a little bit jealous that all of the actors in this line up will forever be linked as that hero, and none more so than Tuvia.

Began writing about football aged 16, I've previously worked for Goal and I'm currently writing for Inside Spanish Football. Specialise in anything linked, connected with or involving football!