5 Horror Movie Victims Who Should Have Survived To The End

4. Danni Arslow (Piranha 3D)

A fun, visceral horror flick, Piranha 3D delighted in causing plenty of blood, gore and nudity on-screen with the large ensemble cast as a group of fearsome and fatal prehistoric piranhas awoke inside the ocean and began to devour an entire seaside town. One of the visitors and one of the not-so-lucky was British adult actress Danni, portrayed by Kelly Brook. British viewers will be aware of the mixed approach to Brook's 'acting' but in all honestly, she comes really well here - her porn-star-with-a-heart-of-gold with a delight on screen, particular in her reactions with seedy porn directors and producers as well as the local innocent townfolk. And then she gets her face chewed off by a piranha in the finale. This particular death is annoying, more due to the... well, silliness in how it's executed, rather than the character herself (although she's a fun character too). She gets killed by some piranha chowing down on her long hair while she's crawling along a rope to reach safety. It's an insult to the character and while other secondary characters get killed off in bloodier and funnier ways, she deserved a bit more. If anything her death is a cautionary tale - always carry a scrunchie, kids.
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Leeds native, film fanatic, TV obsessive and relentless pop music fan. Sings off-key at any chance.