5 Horror Sequels That Were Actually Awesome

3. REC 2


Preceded by: REC, 2007 (2 years before) RottenTomatoes Rating: 69% REC came out in 2007, and kind of out of nowhere. A film that went under the radar for many, just because it's an Indie Spanish horror film. Sounds like pretty niche stuff. But those who did see the film were lucky enough to be petrified by it (and it really is petrifying), and it became something of a cult classic. Again, part of the success of this sequel comes down to having the same team from the first film coming back. In this case, it's writers/directors Jaume Balagueró and Paco Plaza returning to continue to tell the story left hanging at the end of the first film. And it really does continue more or less exactly where we left off. A plot idea not many films have tried before, right? This tactic works to the advantage of the film, as we can basically throw any prologue or act 1 out the window and just get right on down to the scares. And that's what we get. REC2 really feels just like the second half of REC, and sometimes that's exactly what you want from a horror sequel. The intensity and terror from the first are carried on into this one, in addition to a bold and unexpected change in direction - more supernatural direction this time around makes REC2 a must see for fans of the first.

Joe is a television junkie. A film fanatic. A pop culture know-it-all. An interactive media masters student, and a bass player. 22 years old and Irish. Thinks Netflix is a Godsend.