5 Important Things In The Harry Potter Universe That Quickly Stopped Mattering

2. Quidditch

The Moment It Stopped Mattering: When Quidditch season is cancelled in favour of the Triwizard Tournament. This is bound to be the most controversial entry on this list, but hear me out before you start yelling "Crucio!" at your screen, because I have a point, and you can't hurt me anyway. Yes, some Quittich happened after The Goblet Of Fire, but did we really care anymore? Did anyone? After Voldemort returns and caps Edward Cullen, the stakes are just higher, and it's hard to care about something that ostensibly channels the spirit of battle when there's a genuine battle going on. Every time a there's a Quidditch match after Voldemort's real return, it just seems like we're getting sidetracked from the actual plot, as a showy excuse to include the complexy-designed and deeply confusing game. By the time Ron finally gets to join the team in the 6th book we're all sort of expecting Harry to be like "Oh you want to be on the Quidditch team? Be my guest, I'm sort of over it. You can even be Seeker if you want. These days I'm more into being the chosen one. Being the chosen one takes up most of my time. I'm the chosen one, Ron." The stakes change dramatically, and Quidditch is just pushed completely aside.
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Harry Potter
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David Bailey is a creative advertising professional who moonlights as a Private Investigative Journalist. He currently resides in Los Angeles and enjoys receiving haircuts and eating sandwiches. You may find him on twitter @TheRingaDingKid.