5 Ingredients Every Blockbuster Film Needs

dark-knight-rises-poster-2-thumb-600x300 The goals for making a movie are not uniform.Some movies set out to be Oscar-winners, or to right an injustice or reveal what is truly going on in the world. Some movies are made for no other reason than to entertain. And then there are the blockbusters, hoping to get out to the masses, to draw the big crowds, to make the biggest splash that could possibly be made. To make a killing at the box-office, there needs to be several key factors that turn a hit into a megahit. We've listed the five main ingredients below. Enjoy!

5. Girls With Guns

Black-Widow-Avengers-Wallpaper What is it about a girl wielding weapons that just makes everything seem oh, so good? One of the highlights from the recent The Avengers film was Scarlett Johansson and Colbie Smulders€™ performances as strong, independent women that could not just fight on the debate floor, but could drop Iron Man himself. These women could go up against any Avenger with certainty that they have a fair chance of victory. Does a woman have to wield a gun to still make an impact? Well, let€™s take a look. hansel-and-gretel-2 Or how about this? main-anne-hathaway-catwoman See what I mean? Handgun, motorcycle, steampunk-style crossbow€some of the most entertaining performances by women this past year have proven that women are just as capable as men in warfare. If nothing else, it€™s fun to watch. Click "next' below to continue the list;
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A recent graduate of Saint Anselm College, Jack is a playwright, fiction author and contributing writer to whatculture.com. An avid fan of theater, movies and the medium that is comic books, Jack is an award-winning lover of the English language.