Many people think that being a true fan means defending something you love against any criticism of it, failing to acknowledge any potential flaws or differences of opinion. This is, of course, a blatant lie, but one that many people buy into in attempting to justify their own views. Being a true fan means being passionate about something while wishing to discuss it freely or own up to any flaws it may have. F. Scott Fitzgerald, author of The Great Gatsby, once said: "the test of a first rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function." It is possible to love something while recognising its flaws, just as you can love a particular franchise as a whole while hating individual installments. This brings us onto the seemingly interminable Bond series. I consider myself a casual fan, and given the chance I will strongly defend my view that Timothy Dalton was and always will be the best Bond. But even as much as I love aspects of the series from the early offerings of Connery to the grittiness of Craig, there are a number of dark, embarrassing blots on the series' copy-book that must be acknowledged and analysed to prevent them from being repeated. Here then are my picks for the 5 Bond films which completely derailed the series. In each case we'll be looking at the problems of the film in detail, and I'll be recommending an alternative film in the franchise to take away the feeling of being shaken (not stirred). Oh, and before you say anything, this list is only covering the official Bond series - so Never Say Never Again and the parody of Casino Royale don't count (awful as they are). Let's kick off with a little something from the Brosnan era...