5 Lost Directors Who Still Have One Great Movie In Them

3. John McTiernan

610-John-McTiernan-RollerballNotable Films: Die Hard, Predator, Die Hard: With a VengeanceLast Film: Basic (2003) Yes, this could be considered a controversial choice considering the scandal surrounding the man, but I'm interested in his body of work rather than the man's past transgression. I'm not here to comment on the legal entanglements the man has found himself caught up in, but to lament the loss of a talented filmmaker, who hasn't made a new film in over ten years. The man made Die Hard, which without a doubt is one of the greatest films ever made and also turned in solid work with a sequel that I hold in just as high regard as the original. It's tragic that the man who can create such amazing feasts of cinema is unable to make another, though I do think that it would be the perfect swan song if after his legal procedure is behind him, he gives us the one last great action film that we know he can deliver.
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A simple chap who loves the magic of cinema despite the odd disappointment or two. Get in touch with Jay on Twitter@reellife32.