5 Major Ways Star Wars The Rise Of Skywalker Mirrored The Last Jedi

4. Needless Side Missions To New Planets

Star Wars Rise Of Skywalker

Both The Rise of Skywalker and The Last Jedi floundered when it came to introducing new planets into Star Wars lore.

'The Rise of Skywalker' chose to have its heroes visit Kijimi to seek out the expertise of immediate internet icon Babu Frik. It was a largely worthless trip, as the movie could have easily claimed Rey could mysteriously read the dagger's Sith text and many wouldn't have batted an eye. Nonetheless, it let fans see a new planet that helped highlight the harsh cruelness of imperial rule, while also providing a crash course for some of Poe Dameron's largely unexplored backstory.

'The Last Jedi' had its own unneeded quest to a new planet when Finn and Rose Tico set off to Canto Bight in The Last Jedi. Even the movie's staunchest supporters tend to agree that it was a drawn out, and largely uninteresting trip to a new planet. Canto Bight itself was something of the Star Wars universe's answer to Las Vegas, but the story told on it in The Last Jedi lacked any of the pizzazz that the real world equivalent brings.

In other words, both movies introduced some relatively intriguing new planets, but failed to explore them in an exciting way that made their inclusion worthwhile. At least we got the joy that is Babu Frik out of one of those trips though.


Brett Grega is a freelance writer, and avid NBA fan. Follow him at @wrestlegrognard or email him at brettg26101@gmail.com.