5 Man Of Steel Questions We Still Need Answered

3. Where Was Batman (Or Any Other Superhero) When This Was Going On?

Batman-vs-Superman I remember that back when it was announced that a movie about the Justice League was going to be made many wondered on whether or not Christan Bale was going to reprise the role of Batman (Or that maybe even Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Batman, as some suggested). And I remember that someone mentioned an important problem of that suggestion. If Christian Bale appeared as Batman in the Justice League film it would be implying that all the events that happened in the Dark Knight trilogy happened in a world where a man that has superstrength, x-ray vision, heat vision and the ability to fly (among other things) did absolutely nothing when a terrorist held a city hostage for more than 6 months. That's a really good argument there, I know that it was supposed to be Batman's film and all that stuff however it will be an important question. With that being said, it will be really interesting to see how Bruce Wayne (or any other superhero for that matter) reacted when they saw that the earth was being invaded by an army of powerful aliens.

Mild mannered writer for WhatCulture, I enjoy reading, watching films, and complaining about people complaining.