Earlier in the year, there was a rumour that Joss Whedon had visited Korea to cast a suitable actress in the highly anticipated sequel to The Avengers, Age of Ultron. Last week, relatively unknown Korean actress Kim Soo-Hyun confirmed that she would be joining the Age of Ultron cast in an unnamed - but substantial - role. Marvel Studios, as is their want, have been cagey about her part in Avengers: Age of Ultron as they say it'd be a spoiler but they have revealed that her character is a substantial supporting role in the film. Following the recent trend in superhero movies to cram them full to bursting with superheroes (see Bryan Singer's enormous cast for X-Men: Days of Future Past), Joss Whedon's following suit with his second Avengers movie. Besides Kim Soo-Hyun and the original Avengers returning, Thomas Kretschmann has been cast as Baron Von Strucker, Paul Bettany as The Vision, Aaron Taylor-Johnson as Quicksilver, Elizabeth Olsen as Scarlet Witch and James Spader as Ultron. So which Marvel character could Kim Soo-Hyun be in Avengers: Age of Ultron? Discounting the character of "generic scientist-type", there are some excellent Marvel characters she could play. Characters Assemble!
I reads and watches thems picture stories. Wordy words follow.
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