5 Most Disturbing Scenes In Quentin Tarantino Movies

3. Zed's Basement - Pulp Fiction (1995)


I'm not entirely certain what the reader demographic of WhatCulture looks like, but I'm aware that it has a large European population. I don't know what the current stereotypes of Americans like myself are, but just in case, I'd like to clarify something: the goings on in the basement of Zed's store, at least to my knowledge, are not a common occurrence here in the states. Sure, we have moronic rednecks, and there are certainly a tragically ample number of racists, rapists and murderers. It can be a sick and twisted place, as we all know. But good god, what in the friggin' world is the Gimp? This man (woman?) in full-on leather bondage gear and tied to a clothesline by a dog collar is perhaps the single creepiest character in all of 90's cinema. And that was a decade that brought us Buffalo Bill and portrayed Jack Nicholson as the lead in a romantic comedy. In fact, the Gimp has nearly ruined S&M for me entirely.

Nick Fulton hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.