5 Most Overlooked Performances In The Dark Knight Trilogy

1. Marion Cotillard (Miranda Tate)

miranda-tate-is-talia-al-ghul-and-shes-the-main-villain-not-bane-1 Marion Cotillard is another example of a talented actress who was apart of the ensemble cast that comprised The Dark Knight Rises. Cotillard's character, Miranda Tate, is more of an unknown in terms of the part the character would play in the film given that little was revealed about the character's role prior to the film's debut and the Miranda Tate character was rarely featured in the trailers that were released leading up to the release of the movie. Cotillard plays a character who is forthright but given her role in the film, the character remains someone who makes it difficult for the audience to identify with to a degree in a movie where protagonists such as Bruce Wayne, Alfred, Commissioner Gordon and John Blake all have their moments that allow audiences to connect with them. However, as Miranda, Cotillard does have her moments that make her an identifiable character such as in her interaction with Bruce Wayne where they discuss the direction of Wayne Enterprises during which Bruce tells her he wants her to take control of the company. Cotillard portrays a strong character who comes across as being candid such as in her interactions with Bruce Wayne throughout the film. Cotillard delivers another top-notch performance as she does in any movie she has been in. So what do you think of the 5 performances that are overlooked in The Dark Knight Trilogy? Let us know in the comments section below.

Matt Grazel has written a monthly roundup review of the Bat-Comics and monthly reviews of Bat-Comics for Batman-On-Film.com.