5 Movies That Could've Been Black Mirror Episodes

3. Her

Get Out
Warner Bros

A lonely guy falls in love with a computer. How Black Mirror-y can you get?

In a similar vein to episodes like San Junipero and Be Right Back, Her takes advantage of advancing technology to tell a story about the human condition. Mainly, the human need to love and be loved, even when it's easier to disengage from human interaction.

There's not a whole lot that would need to change for Her to fit in as a Black Mirror episode, except that they would probably have to cut down on some of the subplots to keep the run time down. (Seeing as it's currently over half an hour longer than the longest Black Mirror episode.)

In the end, this movie's got everything that makes Black Mirror so good: technology that's both realistic and familiar, a thought-provoking script, and amazing performances. It may not have the gut-punch note of despair that usually comes near the end of a typical episode, but then again, neither did Hang the DJ.


Matthew Black hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.