5 Old School Marvel Films That Need More Attention

4. The Laughably Bad Captain America I & II

04 Slightly less of a generalisation, these two Captain America movies were made back to back, both of them released in 1979. Starring Reb Brown, who is essentially Arnold Schwarzenegger if Arnold Schwarzenegger's entire career was movies like Hercules In New York, starring in such classics as Yor: Hunter From The Future and Strike Commando (JAKODA!!) If you're curious as to what kind of quality you'll be in for, check out this tear-jerking monologue from the aforementioned Strike Commando: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ptNdU8x2YfQ Yeah, don't expect much. Imagine Plan 9 From Outer Space's flying saucers acting in place of Captain America's shield. It has the same effect and it's just as laughable, visible wires and all. If you're looking for a great movie to laugh at and not with, here's a double feature that's right up your alley. If you're looking for star power (as if everybody's B-lister Reb Brown wasn't enough?), Christopher Lee pops up in there from time to time also.

Nerd. Not much else to say on that front. Television, film, comic book and general useless trivia enthusiast. Maybe you'll find me funny.