5 Pants Wettingly Scary Film Moments For Kids

2. Return To Oz (1985) - Got Head?

Mombi Return to Oz is not only famous for starring future sexpot Fairuza Balk as a demented Dorothy it also has some pretty messed up ideas, far weirder than anything the original Oz movie could have dreamed up. The scariest moment by far especially for younger audiences was the terrifyingly good Jean Marsh who portrayed Mombi, a head exchanging representation of Dorothy's two-faced nurse back at the sanatorium. Understandably a film with heads being removed is never going to be held in the same esteem as the original Wizard of Oz but for my generation this is far more significant. Forget your silly flying Monkey's, this one has Wheelies bizarre human/machine creatures with wheels in place of their hands and feet. They look like something out of Cirque du Soleil and are almost as scary as Mombi herself. But in the end it was the removable heads that sent more shivers up our spines than anything else.
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Master of Quack-Fu. Fishfinger Sandwich aficionado. Troll Hunter.