5 Pranks & Stories About Actors That Are Just Too Awesome

1. Pretty Much Peter O'Toole's Entire Life

I'm biased. I think Peter O'Toole might be the finest actor to have ever lived. He's provided some of the most incredible performances of all time, but the man is a real jolt in real life, as well. Not only is he sensationally well-versed and dignified in his interviews, but he's managed to do some of the most badass and hysterical things in the history of his mediums. Like the one time he was a guest on The Late Show with David Letterman and rode in on a camel that he gave a Heineken. Or when he tackled best friend Richard Harris (kiddies know him as the first Dumbledore) to the ground when both where in their "upper" years. O'Toole is an absolute firecracker, with tons of stories about his wild, drunken antics floating about. Like that time he and a group of friends drunkenly decide to land a helicopter on a waterfall. One of my favorite stories, however, is in the video below, which features Peter O'Toole retelling one of his famous adventures with the late, great Peter Finch on a drinking binge in Dublin. I'll go through the basic gist of the story for those unable to check out the video, but if you get the chance, certainly don't pass up the opportunity to hear this fantastic storyteller weave a tale. http://youtu.be/usNndc8NthA
At around four in the morning, Peter O'Toole and Peter Finch decided to go to a small bar because... it was four in the morning. The two decided they wanted one "last" drink. However, the two managed to get carried away until the barman made his best attempt at cutting them off. "Boys," he said. "You had enough. You'll have no more." "No, no, no, no, no, we'll be having much more," the drinkers returned. But the barman wouldn't have any of it. Obviously, the only thing to do in that moment was to become elements of a Christopher Nolan movie, so O'Toole and Finch then proceeded to drunkenly buy the bar. Now, the barman didn't cash the checks. He returned them to our heroes and they went about destroying the payment. Quickly, the three became good friends. However, a year later, the barman died. So, Finch and O'Toole returned to Ireland for the man's funeral. They went to the cemetery and found a group of people around a grave and began to join them, quite audibly, in their sorrows for their passed friend. Except they were at the wrong grave.
And trust me when I say, these are just a few of the tremendous stories featuring one of the greatest actors of all time. For a quick summary of some more hilarious ones, you can go here. And let me just say, your fraternity friends ain't got nothin' on the magnitude of debauchery that is Peter O'Toole.
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Cameron Carpenter is an aspiring screenwriter, current film and journalism student, and self-diagnosed cinephile, which only sounds bad in certain circles. Devoted fan of comics, movies, theater, Jesus Christ, Sidney Lumet, and Peter O'Toole, he sometimes spends too much time on his Scribd and comicbookmovie.com, but doesn't think you're one to judge, devoted reader. You can follow him on Twitter to watch him talk to people you didn't know exist. Oh, and Daredevil is quite the big deal around here (my head).