When it was first announced that Sony Pictures were going to be making an updated version of the world's second favorite orphan (after Batman) a lot of people didn't know what to think. The 1982 musical, Annie, is hardly a masterpiece, and altering it isn't necessarily a poor idea. In fact, on paper it seems like a rather brilliant idea. This time around, a foster kid who lives with her mean foster mom, sees her life change when business tycoon and New York mayoral candidate Will Stacks (an update of Daddy Warbucks from the original) makes a thinly-veiled campaign move and takes her in. Cast in the titular role was the young and infinitely talented Quvenzhané Wallis, who was fresh off an Academy Award nomination for her role in Beasts Of The Southern Wild. Directorial duties were being handled by Will Gluck, a filmmaker who has certainly made good films in the past (he also directed 2010's Easy A). Not to mention all the other talented folks involved with the project; Cameron Diaz, Rose Byrne, Will Smith, Jay-Z and Jamie Foxx in the role of Will Stacks. This updated musical extravaganza had everything going for it, what could go wrong? Well, as you probably surmised from the title of this article, quite a lot actually. To put it in a nutshell; this movie is bad, and the sun will not be coming out tomorrow! If youre curious as to what went wrong, continue reading. Obviously a spoiler alert is in full effect.
Jesse Gumbarge is editor and chief blogger at JarvisCity.com - He loves old-school horror films and starting pointless debates. You can reach out at: JesseGumbarge@JarvisCity.com