5 Reasons Annie Is A Hard Knock Disappointment

2. They Made Annie Illiterate

In what is probably one of the lamest twists in film history, about forty minutes into the movie the filmmakers reveal that little orphan Annie isn't able to read. Yes, despite the fact that she attends school and carries a letter from her parents wherever she goes, the filmmakers decide to make her illiterate. Why did they do this? Who knows. It€™s completely contrived and totally unnecessary. The kid is a orphan for goodness sake! The audience is already sympathetic to her plight. Worst yet, there seems to been an even deeper nuance. Despite the fact that the character isn't able to read, we constantly see her outsmarting adults. In one of the final moments of the film, after she is kidnapped, she uses her quick wits (as well as social media) to get herself out of the situation. The overreaching lesson seems to be that book smarts aren't everything. As long as you have good ole fashioned street smarts, you'll be just fine. Annie doesn't need literacy. Literacy is for chumps!

Jesse Gumbarge is editor and chief blogger at JarvisCity.com - He loves old-school horror films and starting pointless debates. You can reach out at: JesseGumbarge@JarvisCity.com