5 Reasons Casting Ben Affleck As Batman Isn't Really Armageddon

5. He Is The Total Package

Say what you will about Ben Affleck's acting ability, Gigli aside, it is usually at the very least passable in film and on occasion quite good. As an established money-maker who can handle the weight of a blockbuster on his back with proven box office staying power, Affleck brings with him name power and star credibility to a Superman sequel sans Russell Crowe or Kevin Costner, the two pillars Man of Steel Henry Cavill stood upon this past summer to break all-time June opening weekend records. Not only does bringing Affleck aboard Man of Steel 2 make sense in terms of compensating for star power and marquee value, but is also a brilliant maneuver by Warner Bros. to position a now Academy Award-winning director alongside Zack Snyder, who will reportedly not have Dark Knight's Chris Nolan to help guide him this go-around. For those who question his acting, many feel Affleck can be redeemed with his captivating performance on-screen and behind-the-scenes in The Town, as well as his career-changer Argo, and lest not forget his first Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay for Good Will Hunting. Whether in acting, directing, or writing, clearly Ben Affleck has a history of excelling at every angle of the movie lens, and in the upcoming Batman vs Superman film and subsequent plethora of sequels, he may have the opportunity to show it all yet again, and prove naysayers wrong.

A mild-mannered grad student writing on topics such as film, television, comic books and news.