5. Darker And More Adult Material
Marvel films have thus far been adventures that rarely ever toe the line of being adult material. All the movies are safe bets for parents looking for material to view with their young kids. There haven't been terribly complicated emotional arcs and most of the dialogue seems pretty suited to movies for audiences 13 and under. Marvel has proven they are virtually uninterested in their more adult and dark characters like Ghost Rider, The Punisher and Blade. Though they have teamed with Netflix to create series for characters like Daredevil, it remains to be seen whether these shows will be as simple and kid friendly as stuff like Agents Of Shield or not. DC and Warner Brothers have proven already that they are interested in pushing the envelope and delving into more mature material with films like Man Of Steel and The CW's Arrow. DC's interest in allowing characters to blossom beyond simple cliche and running gags makes their filmverse better than Marvel's because they have proven themselves as being more interested in the unique and creative visions of people like Zack Snyder, David Goyer and Christopher Nolan. In the meantime, Marvel is interested is pushing product. They want to create accessible and broad Disney branded features that prefer creativity and risk to play second fiddle.