5 Reasons It's Time To Love George Lucas Again

4. He Bucked The System And Did It His Way

If you€™ve never watched the special features offered to us on the DVD release of the classic Star Wars trilogy or the anthology that came out for Blu-Ray, I highly recommend that you do. You may or may not know that when Lucas was going through the process of getting Star Wars onto the big screen, he went through hell. He struggled to find a studio that would take a chance on this descriptive €œspace opera€ and went through a number of battles. Rather than sell out to a big time studio and have them butcher the world he wanted to show, Lucas managed to get his movie made and hold on to ALL of the rights. A young filmmaker with visions of a picture that were unimaginable for its time ended up creating a movie that changed the way we view films forever. He unequivocally changed Hollywood and the way films will forever be made. He did this without the backing of a director€™s guild and held onto all of the property rights to what he had created. Talk about a gamble that paid off €“ a $4 billion dollar payoff 35 years later. Bravo Mr. Lucas.


“We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” - George Bernard Shaw