5 Reasons Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit Isn't Just The Usual January Trash

3. CIA Relationships

As previously touched on, a refreshing aspect of Jack Ryan deals with the titular spy€™s rocky love life that has him keeping secrets, snooping around behind her back to work, and indirectly giving off the impression that he€™s not being faithful. Ignoring what the actual rules are in a situation like this, it does generate the possibility of some creative scenes but never fully delivers. The dialogue between the pair is just occasionally atrocious and overtly forced, making for scenes that are cringe-worthy to watch. There is a scene during their banter €“ which naturally centers on Cathy€™s life being in danger €“ where Harper blurts out that this isn€™t couples therapy and that millions of lives are at stake. Scenes like that feel far too clichéd, unoriginal, and out of place, and in its own quirky way that line from Kevin Costner confirms it. There€™s nothing wrong with wanting to interject some brief humor into a thriller but it has to feel natural and well written instead of something tossed in for forced dysfunctional shenanigans. The result is Keira Knightley€™s entire character feeling pointless and present for Jack to heroically protect, aside from one pivotal scene. This scene involves€

I write for WhatCulture (duh) and MammothCinema. Born with Muscular Dystrophy Type 2; lover of film, games, wrestling, and TV.