5 Reasons Ryan Gosling Should Be Cast As Batman In New Movie

3. M Stands For Marketing

Gosling Batman Cropped Let€™s be honest, comic book films are not Shakespeare, no matter how pretentious the Dark Knight fanatics want it to be. The top priority of Warner Bros. is to sell this film as much as they possibly can in the lead up to Justice League. If people thought Man of Steel was the litmus test for box office popularity, this Superman-Batman film will be the true trial for any ensemble plans. In Gosling, Warner Brothers will find a powerful tool in attracting new audiences €“ namely young women €“ to the genre of comic book movies. This must be massive tick in the pro column for the Canadian, for it will also compound the Henry Cavill effect. Having two of Hollywood€™s most sought after blokes, both because of their acting and their apparent attractiveness (OK I€™ll admit it I€™m jealous) will surely be the ace card for Warner Brothers in selling this thing. If they get Gosling on board and pump as much marketing energy into it as they did with Man of Steel, Superman v Batman will literally stink of cash. It is mind boggling to think how much this film could potentially make. In doing this, casting Gosling could also alienate die-hard DC fans, for he isn€™t an obvious choice for Batman in terms of the canon. But in reality, things have to move forward, and with the carrot stuck out in front of them, I€™m not too sure Warner Brothers can resist the thought of a Cavill-Gosling team up.

English and History graduate from the University of York. I love all things culture, whether it's film, music, TV, sport or anything else I enjoy writing about. My main interests range from metacinema and Oscar nominations to comic book movies, sci-fi, supernatural television and the musical world of rock n' roll.