5 Reasons The Fast And The Furious Franchise Is So Successful

4. They Understand (And Respect) Their Audience & Goofy Premise

Fast The directors behind the franchise recognize the most important aspect of filmmaking: who is the film for? Rather than try to appeal to a certain niche group, or, conversely, appeal to every demographic imaginable, the filmmakers know exactly who their audience is, and respect them enough to make each film as enjoyable as possible. There is never a hint of embarrassment or irony present in these films, because the directors make each installment with complete honesty about the type of movie they're making. They are earnest in their presentation of low-grade entertainment and rather than pretend that they're anything more than adrenaline fueled action flicks, they embrace and exploit their goofiness wholeheartedly. The movies are self-aware without becoming sarcastic or "meta," and continually play it straight. Despite each film bursting at the seams with scantily clad women, buff men, over-the-top action set-pieces, and unintentionally hilarious dialogue (things that usually throw up red flags for audiences), they are embraced and loved for their ridiculousness.

James is a 24 year old writer and filmmaker living in Portland, OR. He attended college for graphic design and writes for various sources on the web about film, television, and entertainment. You can view all of his work on his website, www.thereeljames.wordpress.com