5 Reasons Why Bowling For Columbine Is Not A Real Documentary

4. A Brief History Of The United States Of America

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ipujWRYUjS4 You could make the argument that, as this part of the film is an animated satire, it shouldn€™t be taken too seriously. But that doesn€™t change the fact that almost everything in it is a complete lie. It all but outright states that the Ku Klux Klan and the NRA are the same organisation, and that the latter was formed after being a member of the former was made a criminal offence. There is no connection between the KKK and the NRA. The NRA was formed in New York by Union soldiers (the faction in America€™s civil war that opposed slavery and racism) as a civilian marksmanship programme, with many chapters across the US being formed by black people seeking assistance against Klan violence, and has no ties to racial segregation. It also depicts gun maker Samuel Colt handing out Colt pistols to Southern slave owners despite the fact that Colt€™s company (along with many other weapon manufacturers) was based in the north of America, the region that was anti-slavery. Another claim the animation makes is that the driving force behind suburbanisation was racism and a fear of black people. Again, it€™s a good idea to take this with a pinch of salt given the tone of the cartoon and the absurdity of the statement, but given Michael Moore€™s penchant for finding racial hatred everywhere, it€™s not entirely implausible that he was trying to make a sincere point.

JG Moore is a writer and filmmaker from the south of England. He also works as an editor and VFX artist, and has a BA in Media Production from the University Of Winchester.