5 Reasons Why Indiana Jones 5 Isn’t Such A Bad Idea

3. Potential For Something New, Different and Interesting

If indeed it gets off the ground, Film Five cannot be a rehash, or it might as well have ended. There€™s no reason for there to even be a fifth film, so get a damn good writer on board and give the film a reason to exist. Make the public understand there is a point to this film, and that it is not just some cynical cashgrab. Although it certainly is, for me a great example of a similar film that became more than that is Tron Legacy. Again, like Crystal Skull, I€™m sure most of you hate it, and there was no reason for it to exist. But it gave us one of the best movie scores in years, some stunning visuals and an exciting and fun movie (and it had Michael Sheen, which improves any film, even Twilight by a little bit). You can explore different sides to an older Indy- for me, the appeal of Crystal Skull was that we saw a gruff, world-weary side to character who like everyone has lost most of those he loved (Marcus, his dad), and is saddened by how the world is changing (McCarthyism, Nuclear War). It was more interesting than a fourth film that came out a few years after Last Crusade, where young Indy got up to the same stuff he did in the previous films in the same condition- for me, that would have been cynical. I€™m the first one to say €œBut they€™re old and fat, it€™s not the same, why bother revisiting a classic?€ when it comes to films and €˜reunion special€™ TV episodes like this, but by changing the time period, we saw a new world, and rather than a loving pastiche of 30€™s adventure serials, we got a loving pastiche of 50€™s sci-fi movies that inspired a young Spielberg. And in this changing world Indy now lives in, we could explore more exotic locations, like Australiafor example. I€™d definitely be up for Indy travelling to Australia, with West Australian cowboys, heavy drinking, aborigine legends, a white people still sore of their convict ancestors, perhaps even an Australian equivalent to Indy, a villainous equal in the vein of Belloq€this rather than another bloody jungle or ancient temple, we could see something new, and different, and worth making. And I feel we would get just that with another Indy film if it does indeed come to fruition.

Aspiring Director, Screenwriter and Actor. Film is my passion, but I indulge in TV, Theatre and Literature as well! Any comments or suggestions, please tweet me @IAmOscarHarding