5 Reasons Why Indiana Jones 5 Isn’t Such A Bad Idea

5. Nobody Does It Better Than Spielberg

In addition to one of the great cinematic heroes inspiring another generation, Spielberg is one of the masters, with even his flops being incredibly interesting and worth repeat viewings. One of the my favourite films from last year was The Adventures of Tintin, because it was Spielberg at his best- whilst he is an incredibly mature director with significant and important fare like Schindler€™s List, Amistad, Munich, Empire of The Sun and The Colour Purple, for me his greatest works will be his big, bombastic blockbusters like Raiders of The Lost Ark and Jurassic Park because of how well they are done. And as a kid you aren€™t inspired by serious, deep films, but by sheer exciting spectacle you act out on the playground. Anyone else could do Indiana Jones 5 and it would be appalling. He might seem reluctant to do it, but he felt like this working on films two and three, and yet he gave them his all, resulting in two films to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the original. Even Spielberg on auto-pilot is greater than, say, Brett Ratner obsessively slaving over his Magnum Opus, whatever the hell that would turn out to be. So, any excuse for another Spielberg movie is a great one!

Aspiring Director, Screenwriter and Actor. Film is my passion, but I indulge in TV, Theatre and Literature as well! Any comments or suggestions, please tweet me @IAmOscarHarding