5 Reasons Why The Amazing Spider-Man Is Better Than Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man
5 reasons why the new Spider-Man is more amazing than the last.
WARNING: This post contains spoilers. So dont read it if you havent seen the film. Otherwise, you have no one to blame but yourself. First of all lets establish something; Marc Webbs The Amazing Spider-Man is far from a great film. It is a pretty average superhero movie at best, but a good kind of average the right side of wrong. For every moment of rib tickling comedy, there is a moment of uninspiring CGI. For every stylistic web sling, there is a cheesy speech. Despite this rope pull between substandard comic book fare and worthwhile reboot, one thing is certain; The Amazing Spider-Man is much better than its predecessor. I know, I know, some of you will consider that statement to be wildly inaccurate and inflammatory. But if you would be so kind as to grant me an audience for the next few minutes, I will explain myself.