5 Reasons Why The DCEU Could Still Be Great

1. The World-Building Is Actually Very Strong

Justice League
Warner Bros.

The Marvel Cinematic Universe was initially playing it by ear, as nothing like it had ever been attempted before. DC have the advantage of hindsight and knowing what template they needed to follow. They have a fully laid-out plan, knowing how to get certain characters from point A to point B. If their movies are strong, then the characters will just naturally fall into place.

Batman v Superman was sure of its own mythology, and it didn't strictly follow source material, but why should it have? The DCEU has its own internal canon that merely takes inspiration from the stories of the past, which is what all comic book movies do. Gotham and Metropolis are now next to each other, does that really have any drastic effect on DC's continuity? No, but it worked as a plot device to get Batman and Superman to the same place quickly.

Dawn of Justice certainly played with a lot of different ideas, often juggling its potential franchise spin-offs with more density than it could handle. But there was a method to the madness, DC are keen to introduce their unexplored properties with confidence. The key players are all ready to go, and Justice League will prove to be a crossroads that could make or break this franchise.

Personally, I believe they can make it, and that the DCEU is yet to showcase what it can truly offer. Just hang tight, the gears are there, they need only to move.


Lifelong wrestling fan and film buff who consumes far too much caffeine. Currently working on a comic book and learning how to cook the perfect fried egg. Both of which are an ongoing process.