3. Tobin Bell & Billy The Puppet
Lets start with Tobin Bell, having Tobin play the infamous Jigsaw Killer was perhaps the best decision for any casting role I've seen in years. Yes, my personal opinion of course, but there is not one person I can name or think of that I would see in Tobins place; so seeing a possible reboot to the franchise in the future would definitely struggle to live up this one. Every SAW fan or critic wanted to see Tobin in every film because he brought that strong sense of terror to big screen and that you would surely never want to meet him in the street unless for an autograph of course! But its official, Tobin Bell is one scary mother****** and a much under-rated villain.
James Wan, the director of the first film, created his on-screen video counterpart Billy the Puppet. Billy is the iconic figure of the franchise; so surely a doll riding a tricycle telling you the rules of a grizzly game on a videotape doesn't sound that horrific at all? Well, to be frank, it does, it makes the trap scenes more believable and entertaining. So if you ever see Billy on your screen, your life is now his. You can even buy fancy dress costumes of Billy and his tricycle to freak out those ex girlfriends of yours.