5 Reasons You Should Watch International Cinema

2. "Art House Cinemas Are Full Of Stuck Up #@!!%"

There are some International Cinema lovers who think that by watching a movie from Uruguay they have reached the fourth stage of Zen, and of course feel the need to look down their noses at us plebs who also like watching Optimus Prime take out a few Decepticons. All I can say is that every niche interest has its hard core cliques. Football teams have their ultra fans who think they own the club, Fashionistas snigger at those attempting to carve out a look for themselves and would you even believe it, but there are even bloggers out there who would rather dump on your posts than welcome you into the bloggersphere. But the truth is, art house cinema is mostly filled with people just like you and me. For the most part, the folk who watched The Dark Knight Rises and Ice Age 3 last week will be the same folk sitting next to you if you decide to go watch Le Petit Nicolas.
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Mike was once able to go a whole day using sporting cliches and famous film quotations for language. He enjoys gaming, watching football, international cinema and Hollywood blockbusters.