5 Scenes That Prove Kevin Spacey Is The Best Actor Of His Generation

3. Se7en - "Become...Wrath."

Kevin Spacey Seven Spacey's turn as the unhinged serial killer in Se7en was unbilled and unadvertised, which is remarkable as it was, by a mile, the best thing about this dark and grungy thriller. Given the film's place as an example of one of the best films of the 90's, that's no mean feat. Spacey was acting against two great actors in their own right, Morgan Freeman and Brad Pitt. While Freeman was reliably contained and measured, Pitt's performance was disappointing in retrospect, seemingly aiming for the brashness of his character and largely hitting histrionics. Whether this is due to his being overshadowed by Spacey's performance, or it seeming poorer in comparison is open to debate. Spacey is compellingly creepy, no more so than when egging on Mills to shoot him and become wrath. He looks utterly reptilian with his unblinking eyes, and the pay-off of a tiny smirk when he release that he has won ks worth the price of the ticket alone. Spacey once noted that "People seem to like me when I play evil". Close-we love it.

I am a freelance writer, currently residing in Newcastle Upon Tyne, England. I was raised by wolves in the woodlands of Northumberland, but am still posher than Colin Firth having dinner with The Queen. I write all of my pieces by swallowing a cocktail of scrabble tiles and vodka, then regurgitating them over my jotter. Hope this explains the typos.